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當前位置:主頁 > 產品中心 > 電力檢修儀器儀表 > STR-JBY066微機繼電保護測試儀 >上海智能電能表現場校驗儀英文版廠家


簡要描述:簡單介紹 This instrument is my company through a wide range of users, learn from the advantages of similar products at home and abroad, the introduction of the latest products. The product measuring parti

  • 產品廠地:上海市
  • 廠商性質:生產廠家
  • 更新時間:2023-09-03
  • 訪  問  量:923







1 by 7 inch 800X480 color TFT bright LCD screen, the sun is visible. A screen display all the measurement parameters, vector map, harmonic distortion, calibration parameters set, do not switch interface can verify the power meter error.

2 touch screen, buttons can be operated, more convenient and quick operation.

3 can measure the voltage, current, power, phase, frequency and calibration error; and the voltage, current (5A, 1A) can automatically shift.

4 three-phase four wire, three-phase three wire active power meter, a variety of reactive power meter (Q60, Q90) real load check.

5 with the fundamental mode, can realize the calibration of the fundamental.

6. With two power pulse input port can be verified at the same time two tables (main and auxiliary table), or also check a multifunctional table of active power and reactive power error, also can wattmeters and varmeters verified at the same time.

7 output power constant can be set to facilitate the calibration of the instrument.

8 with the error of the whole function, according to the accuracy level of the power meter, automatic error correction.

9 measurement of CT ratio, ratio error, angle error, and polarity.

10 can measure the environment temperature, humidity. The environmental temperature and humidity can be measured;

11 can be analyzed from 0 to 51 times of harmonic, can measure the harmonic content, amplitude, relative fundamental phase. And with the histogram display, and the histogram has a zoom function, easy to observe and analysis.

12 waveform display, and has a zoom function.

13. Users can according to need optional 5a, 10a, 100A, 200A, 500A, 1000A, 2000a clamp table or use flexible coil (lokovski coil) 5000A, 10000a, low voltage electric energy metering device error of load measurement. Can also be equipped with 3 kinds of pliers.

14 automatic identification of current access mode, the user does not need to set up.

15 with power accumulated function. Can be carried out in the field of electric energy meter test, calibration error, check constant. Active power, reactive power, apparent power can be accumulated at the same time.

16 rich vector diagrams are shown to satisfy a variety of user habits.

17 can be achieved in the field of three phase three wire and three-phase four wire error connection. And give the correct procedure. Can be calculated under the wiring error correction coefficient, zhuibu power.

18 support for the bar code input, and thus the field can be achieved on the spot without the input check parameters and fast calibration error. (user matching)

19 support digital input, letter input, symbol input, Chinese character input.

20 has a variety of measurement data storage, upload function. Support USB, RS232 communication. Import measurement data can be exported through U disk. And it can be accepted by the PC machine to check the calibration plan, which is quickly found in the field to check the parameters of the table. Can store the measurement data of 1000 tables.

21 the assembly has a hard time clock can be directly displayed the current time and date, can record the test time at any time.

22 with RS-485 interface, can be read in the field of electricity, electric energy meter communication inspection.

23 can be extended to measure: PT two times the pressure drop, PT two load, CT two load.

24 have GPS interface, can be carried out on the multifunctional table, school time.

25 power supply range: 45 ~ 450V, with internal and external two connection modes, strong adaptability, safe and reliable.





1 voltage, current, active power, active power energy (built-in current transformer) accuracy rating: 0.05.

2 reactive power, reactive power can accuray grade: 0.1.

3 voltage input: 30V ~ 60V, 560V, 120V, 240V, 480V four, automatic shift.

4 current input: built-in current transformer: 0.02 ~ 6A, automatic shift.

Clamp meter: optional 5A, 10A, 20A, 100A, 200A, 500A, 1000A and 2000A.

Flexible coil (lokovski coil): 5000A, 10000A.

5 basic error
















  0.5Ib~ Imax



6 phase measuring range: 0 ~ 360 (or 180), resolution: 0.001.

Accuracy: 0.05 degree (current input >10%Ib)

7 frequency measurement: resolution: 0.001H, accuracy: + 0.01Hz.

8 input power pulse: TTL level, the highest frequency is less than 2MHz.

9 output power pulse: automatic constant, rated range: f=60KHz. When manual constant can be set between 250000 ~ 1.

10 temperature coefficient: 5ppm.

11 low voltage input impedance: >750K;

12 current input impedance: <0.05;

13 input signal frequency: 45 ~ 65Hz;

14.PT two drop accuracy (90% ~ 110%Un): 0.2 angle difference ratio difference; 0.02%;

15.PT, CT two load measurement accuracy: 1

Measurement range: admittance: 1 ~ 99.99 (MS);

Impedance: 0.1 ~ 8 (;

16 clock measurement accuracy: + 0.5ppm; 0.05 seconds / day;

17 power supply: frequency 50Hz, range 45 ~ 450V;

18 power consumption: less than 11VA;

19 working environment temperature: -10 ~ 40 C humidity: 30 ~ 80%RH;

20 volume: length 245mmX width 168mmX high 70mm;

21 instrument weight: 1.8Kg.





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